Achievements , Greatness and Success

Just felt curious about these words so just thought to have a random analysis on to what these can be and how an act , state or thing can accredited by these terms.

Achievement seems the most easily quantifiable term .You get something that's it. You got a century in a one day. You got top grades in some exam. You got some certification. You build something and lot more things. It can be seen as a milestone. A quantifiable goal accomplished.

Greatness appears more like towards the adjective part of a phenomenon. What have you overcome to get to achieve what you have achieved. What adversities you faced while accomplishing the goal . What is the magnitude and impact of the achievement. Like out of two centuries scored by a batsman the one which is achieved under difficult situations like a world cup final with strong opponents , shouting audience will be considered a greater achievement. Or some achievement that exceeds a regular expectation , it meets a vision beyond an initial goal. However greatness is not always accompanied by achievements. A lost battle could have been fought with great valor.

Coming to Success . In simple manner its same as Achievement. You achieved something and you succeeded.
But often a success is seen in a broader sense . Achievements join together to build a success. Its like battles and wars, winning battles wins war. But often failures do contribute towards a success . How ? its simple they teach you something .I would say achievements will be counted by others but success will be felt by you when you feel accomplished.

To correlate all three , if you see success as a journey achievements will be the milestones.The cumulative achievements will lead the path of success. Then where is greatness . Well that will need some divine intervention that pushes your milestones far way and then if choose throw all that you have to still go ahead and catch those Or when you yourselves choose to see beyond the milestones and explore the limits.

One should start with a focus on an achievement but should always be ready to face unprecedented challenges and have a vision that is open for expansion. To keep going and to keep evolving is the key. Being true to yourself and having faith in yourself are the guidelines.

And in the journey at moments you look back and think " so far so good " and Smile . That's living happily. 


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