Achievements , Greatness and Success
Just felt curious about these words so just thought to have a random analysis on to what these can be and how an act , state or thing can accredited by these terms. Achievement seems the most easily quantifiable term .You get something that's it. You got a century in a one day. You got top grades in some exam. You got some certification. You build something and lot more things. It can be seen as a milestone. A quantifiable goal accomplished. Greatness appears more like towards the adjective part of a phenomenon. What have you overcome to get to achieve what you have achieved. What adversities you faced while accomplishing the goal . What is the magnitude and impact of the achievement. Like out of two centuries scored by a batsman the one which is achieved under difficult situations like a world cup final with strong opponents , shouting audience will be considered a greater achievement. Or some achievement that exceeds a regular expectation , it meets a vision beyond an initi...