
Fundamental practices of a Human Endeavour

From the beginning of human history , rise of civilizations, through the ups and downs of times to the modern world of rapid changes, advanced technologies, globally interdependent economies, overnight stardoms and collapses, a lot has happened , is happening and we really don’t know what the future may bring. With the changing world, have changed our lifestyles, strategies we deploy and preparations that we do in order to survive, prosper and pursue success in our own individual way. As “Change is the only constant”, the skills and strategies and things that hold great value at one time are known to be of lesser or no value at a later time. So how one can prepare oneself for his/her own journey of life, what would it take to take on your individual ambitions and many more challenges and riddles that life has to offer in addition to the fun and party times. There are many guidelines that offer light on how to pursue you goals many are specific to a profession and other are...

Walking through the Dark

          The ability to see what lies ahead of us is perhaps the most valuable gift that we have, that propels our actions in moving forward, be it a walk in the park, a drive on road or in general in our life. This ability provides us the opportunity to achieve speeds as we can plan our next steps much before we actually take them. And this ability is so profound in our nature that when we can not see far enough we sometimes are quite afraid even to take a step ahead.            Many times in our life we face these situations where what lies ahead is not visible or predictable. In many situations its simple enough to stay at your place till the light shines again and the path can be seen. But on many other times sitting back  either has its own risk and cost or its simply not an option. Those moments can instill a fear or just a thought process as walking into the dark is not something what we do everyday. What to do next b...

A Short Conversation

Few years back on a fine starlit night on the bank of a river sitting next to a small campfire I had a short conversation with my childhood friends. The discussion emerged out of randomness as the topic was not a regular topic of our gossip. But the authenticity of the discussion is something I remember and how clearly that few mins chat described few things still amazes me that how the knowledge and solutions often comes from small openhearted trustful talks rather then in hefty argumentative long discussions. The conversation began to answer a simple question .  "What is the single most important thing that you think a nation should focus on or which the Govt.  should provide for the betterment of the people and nations development ? "   Its a question everyone can have and should have some thought sometimes. All three of us in our late twenties have had a fair share of experience with life and people . We had experienced variety of events and witnessed differ...

Ambition and Purpose

I still remember from the high school , when "Aim or Ambition of my life" was popular and fascinating topic for essay writing. The essay writing was mostly a copy paste stuff those days but it did invoke a thought process about what ambitions one could have or should have in ones life. These instances and many more encourage us to think about , choose and pursue various ambitions aims, goals in our life.Which is essential to our growth and having a direction to move forward. However when it comes to purpose , its a less discussed term so far. Probably because it feels like, its not something one is gaining ,looks more like your are giving something.Why should one spend thought and energy about giving rather than gaining . But purpose in-fact is a more profound concept than ambition , which one should understand and think about. People often tend to follow ambitions and goals .Being passionate about any goal or milestone gives your the energy to put you best effort. Mo...

Achievements , Greatness and Success

Just felt curious about these words so just thought to have a random analysis on to what these can be and how an act , state or thing can accredited by these terms. Achievement seems the most easily quantifiable term .You get something that's it. You got a century in a one day. You got top grades in some exam. You got some certification. You build something and lot more things. It can be seen as a milestone. A quantifiable goal accomplished. Greatness appears more like towards the adjective part of a phenomenon. What have you overcome to get to achieve what you have achieved. What adversities you faced while accomplishing the goal . What is the magnitude and impact of the achievement. Like out of two centuries scored by a batsman the one which is achieved under difficult situations like a world cup final with strong opponents , shouting audience will be considered a greater achievement. Or some achievement that exceeds a regular expectation , it meets a vision beyond an initi...