Fundamental practices of a Human Endeavour
From the beginning of human history , rise of civilizations, through the ups and downs of times to the modern world of rapid changes, advanced technologies, globally interdependent economies, overnight stardoms and collapses, a lot has happened , is happening and we really don’t know what the future may bring. With the changing world, have changed our lifestyles, strategies we deploy and preparations that we do in order to survive, prosper and pursue success in our own individual way. As “Change is the only constant”, the skills and strategies and things that hold great value at one time are known to be of lesser or no value at a later time. So how one can prepare oneself for his/her own journey of life, what would it take to take on your individual ambitions and many more challenges and riddles that life has to offer in addition to the fun and party times. There are many guidelines that offer light on how to pursue you goals many are specific to a profession and other are...