Ambition and Purpose
I still remember from the high school , when "Aim or Ambition of my life" was popular and fascinating topic for essay writing. The essay writing was mostly a copy paste stuff those days but it did invoke a thought process about what ambitions one could have or should have in ones life. These instances and many more encourage us to think about , choose and pursue various ambitions aims, goals in our life.Which is essential to our growth and having a direction to move forward. However when it comes to purpose , its a less discussed term so far. Probably because it feels like, its not something one is gaining ,looks more like your are giving something.Why should one spend thought and energy about giving rather than gaining . But purpose in-fact is a more profound concept than ambition , which one should understand and think about. People often tend to follow ambitions and goals .Being passionate about any goal or milestone gives your the energy to put you best effort. Mo...